
1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth

Description: Elements Of GEOLOGY A Text-Book For Colleges And For The General Reader By Joseph Le Conte ( Professor of Geology and Natural History in the University of California ) Revised and Partly Rewitten By Herman Le Roy Fairchild, Professor of Geology in the University of Rochester Fifth Edition, Revised And Enlarged With New Plates and Illustrations Published By D. Appleton Company New York 1905 Hardcover. Cloth binding. Color-coated endpapers. 6" x 9" (12) + 667 Pages. Indexed. Publisher's Ads for scinece and other books at the rear. 118 years old. A 1905 printing of this college-level study of geology by Joseph Le Conte ( 1823 - 1901 ), American Geologist and Professor at the University of California , Berkeley . ( see biographical information below ) This is the fifth revised edition; as new discoveries were being made, later editions included revisions to the text with new information. The revisions were made by Herman Le Roy Fairchild ( 1850 - 1943 ), an American educator and geologist. Fairchild was an early proponent of the theory of meteorite impact causing craters such as that of Meteor Crater , Arizona . He also left his mark on glacial geology , and accurately mapped the proglacial lakes of western New York. He did his field work between the 1888 and the early years of the 20th century. A descendant of Thomas Fairchild who came to Connecticut from England in 1639, Fairchild was an alumnus of Cornell University, with a B.S. degree in 1874. He taught at the University of Rochester for many years and founded the geology department there. He co-founded the Geological Society of America ( GSA ), and served as its Secretary from 1891 to 1906 and President from 1912 to 1913. ------- 1,002 Illustrations in total. ( one thousand and two ) 370 pages are devoted to Paleontology Historical Geology , Palaeontology , Fossils & Dinosaurs The sections on paleontology include over 700 Illustrations. [ over seven hundred ] All of the fossils pictured in the book are identified. ------------- Very Good Condition Just light binding wear. ( see the photos ) The hinges are tight. Original owner's inscription on the front endpaper : " $4.00 , Adolphus C. Pilger '05, Middlebury , Vermont " No other writing. No markings. Light dampstain and the upper-outside corner of the pages toward the front of the book. The pages areotherwise in very good condition. Biographical note on the original owner of this book : Adolphus Christian Pilger was born on June 14, 1881 in Germany, and came to the United States in his youth. He was a student at Middlebury College in Middlebury Vermont , the class of 1905. Pilger paid $4.00 for this book in 1904/5 - the equivalent of over $140 today. After graduation, Pilger was employed by New York Telephone Company ( Newark, New Jersey ) starting in 1906. He married Helen Livia Reed ( born July 11, 1883 in South Alabama , New York ) on June 30, 1908. In 1917 Pilger was was living at 179 Garfield Place , South Orange , New Jersey. He died on Feb. 10, 1964 (aged 82), at Manatee County, Florida , and was buried at Mansion Memorial Park , Ellenton , Florida , were his gravestone can be seen today. -------------- The Contents of the book : I. Dynamical Geology ( about 160 pages ) Atmospheric Agencies Aqueous Agencies Igneous Agencies Organic Agencies II. Structural Geology ( about 120 pages ) General Form and Structure of the Earth Stratified Rock or Sedimentary Rock Unstratified or Igneous Rocks Metamorphic Rock Structure Common To All Rocks Erosion III. Historical Geology ( Paleontology ) ( about 370 pages ) General Principles Algonkian and Archaean Ages Palaeozoic Rocks and Era Cambrian Silurian System ; Age of Invertebrates Devonian System and Age of Fishes Carboniferous System ; Coal , Petroleum , Rocks Mesozoic Era - Age of Reptiles Triassic Period Jurassic Period Jura-Trias in America Cretaceous Period Cenozoic Era - Age of Mammals Tertiary Period Quarternary Period Glacial Psychozoic Era - Age of Man and Recent Epoch Antiquity of Man Primeval Man Appendix and Index The Paleontology sections include over 700 Illustrations. They Include: ( all of the Fossils depicted in the book are identified ) Strata of the Earth ( modified from Marsh ) Specimen of the Eozoon ( Precambrian ) American Primordial Fossils ( several Silurian Trilobites , etc. ) Trilobites ( Paradoxides Bohemicus and Paradoxides Harlani ) Silurian Plants ( several kinds ) Silurian Protozoans ( several kinds ) Silurian Favostid and Halysityd Corals ( several kinds ) Silurian Crinoids and Asteroids ( 12 kinds, including Caryocrinus ornatus , etc.) Many Silurian Brachiopods , Gasteropods , Pteropods , Lamellibranchs Many Silurian Cephalopods ( Orthoceras multicameratum , Orthoceras medullare , Orthoceras tenuiflum , etc., etc. ) Orthoceras restoration Trochoites Ammonius , Lituites Graftonensis , etc. Silurain Annelids Silurain Eurypterids Devonian Plants ( several ; Cyclopteris obtusa , etc., etc. ) Devonian Corals , Brachiopods , Lamellibranchs , Gasteopds , Annelids ( many ) Devonian Tribobites ( Dalmania punctata , Phacops latifrons ) Devonian Fishes ( Ganoids ; Many , including Cephalaspis Lyelli , Holoptychius nobilissimus , Osteolepis , Elasmobranchs , etc., etc. ) Jaw of Dinichthys Terrelli ( 3 views ) Dental Plate of Cestracion Phillippi Homocercal and Heterocercal Tail Fins Coal Plants ; Araucarites , Cordaites Coal Plant Fruits ( several, identified ) Cordaites ( restored ) Megaphyton Coal Ferns ( Callipteris Sullivanti , Pecopteris Strongii , etc., etc. ) Lepidodendrids ( 7 figures , several kinds ) Sigillarids ( Sigillaria recticulata , etc., etc. ) Calamites and Allied Plants Calamite restoration Fossil Trees in Coal Measures , Nova Scotia Gas , Oil , and Water formation Carboniferous Corals Carboniferous Echinoderms ( various identified Blastids ) Carboniferous Echinoderms ( various identified Crinids , Asteroids, etc. ) Carboniferous Brachiopods , Land & Fresh Water Shells , Gasteropods , Crustaceans , Goniatites Carboniferous Insects ( Blatta Helvetica , Corydaloides Scudderi , etc. ) Carboniferous Fishes ( Edestes minor , Shark Pleuracanthus , Cochliodus contortus , Xenacantus Dechenii , Ordus mammilare , Cladodu spinosus , etc., etc. ) Coal Period Fossil Rain Prints Coal measures of Pennsylvania ; Reptilian Foot-prints Archegosaurus Vertebrae of Eosaurus Acadianus Ptyonius Tuditanus radiatus Paleozoic System Permian Fossils , Shells , Brachiopods , Fishes Triassic Conifers and Cycads Triassic Encrinus Liliformis Teeth of Triassic Fishes ( Ceratodus seratus , etc. ) Triassic , Tooth of Labyrinthodon Triassic Reptiles ( Labyrinthodon , Mastodonsaurus Jaegeri , Trematosaurus ) Triassic Reptiles ( Anomodonts and Theriodonts ) Jurassic Plants ( Cycads , Ferns ) Jurassic Corals , Echinoderms ( Prionastrea oblongata , Apiocrinus Roissianus , etc., etc. ) Jurassic Lamellibranchs , Brachiopods , Cephalopods , etc. Jurassic Ammonites ( Ammonites bifrons , Ammonites margaritanus , etc. ) Internal Shell of Belemnite Belemnite restoration Belemnites Owenii , Belemnites hastatus , Belemnites clavatus , etc. Jurassic Insects ( Hemerobiodes giganteus , Libellula , etc. ) Jurassic Fishes ( Hybodus reticulatus , etc. ) Tooth of Acrodus nobilis Jurassic Reptiles Icthyosaurus communis Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus Icthyosaurus tooth, natural size Icthyosaurus paddle Head of Pliosaurus Tooth of Pliosaurus Paddle of a Pliosaurus Teleosaurus brevidens Dromaeus , Dinosaur , Crocodile , Astragalus , Calcaneum Tooth of Iguanodon Megalosaurus head , tooth Femur of Cetosaurus Compsoganthus restored Rhamphorhynchus phyllurus , fossil and restored Archaeopteryx Macroura Archaeopteryx Macroura bones compared with Bird and Pterodactyl Tail of Archaeopteryx Macroura Jurassic Mammals ( Amphitherium Prevostii , etc. ) Molars of Triasic & Jurassic Mammals Reptile Tracks ( Otozoum Moodii , Gigantitherium caudatum , etc. ) Track of Brontozoum Ganoid fish Catopterus Fossils of Northe Carolina & Richmond Coal Basins , incl. jaw of Dromatherium sylvestre Reptiles : Bathyganthus borealis & tooth , Belodon Carolinensis , Clepsysauris Pennsylvanicus Jurassic fossils of Utah Jura-Trias Plants California Jura-Trias Shells Dorsal vertebra of Camarasaurus Leg Bones and Pelvic Arch of Morosaurus grandis Tooth , bones , of Laosaurus altus Bones of Camptonotus dispar Bones & Skull of Stegosaurus ungulatus Jaw of Diplocynodon victor Jaw of Ctenacodon serratus Foraminfera of Chalk , Cretaceous Cretaceous Plant leaves Paddle of Baptanodon discus Cretaceous Plants Cretaceous Sponges , Echinoids , Shells , Lamellibranchs , Gasteropods, etc. Cretaceous Cephalopods ( Ammonites Chicoenis , etc. ) Teeth of Cretaceous Fishes ( Otodus , Portheus molossus , etc. ) Cretaceous Fishes ( Teleosts , Porteus , etc. ) Hadrosaurus restored skeleton Hypsilophodon Edestosaurus Snout of Tylosaurus micromus Scapular arch & fore-limbs + Pelvic Arch & hind limbs of Lestosaurus simus Tooth of Mosasaurus Jaw of Edestosaurus Restoration of Ichthyornis victor Skull outline & brain cavity of Ichthyornis victor and Sterna cantiaca Cretaceous , Jaws of Ichthyornis dispar and Hesperornis regalis Map of Tertiary Times , North America , showing outline of Coast and Principal Tertiary Lakes American Tertiary Plants ( Cinnamomum Mississippiense , Quercus Saffordi , Andromeda vaccinifolae affinis , etc. ) European Tertiary Plants ( Chamaerops Helvetica , Sabal major , Platanus aceroides , etc. ) Eocene Tertiary Shells ( Turritella alvaeta , etc. ) California Miocene Shells ( Ostrea titan , etc. ) Miocene Insects ( Vanessa Pluto , etc. ) Tertiary Fishes ( Lamma elegans , Clupea alta , Rhombus minimus , Lebias cephalotes ( Miocene ) , etc. ) Tooth of Carcharodon Megalodon Teriary Amphibian , Andrias Scheuchzeri Skull of Odontopteryx toliapicus Palaeotherium magnum , fossil Palaeotherium magnum , restored Anoplotherium commune , restoration Head of Dinotherium giganteum Head of Sivatherium giganteum Skull of Machairodus cultridens ( Saber Toothed Tiger / Cat ) Tooth of Zeuglodon cetoides Head of Zeuglodon cetoides Vertebra and Tooth of Zeuglodon cetoides Coryphodon hamatus Dinoceras mirabile , restored Limnohyus skull Skull of Brontotherium ingens Eporeodon major Skull Brains compared : Coryphodon , Dinoceras , Brontotherium Diagram illustrating gradual changes in the Horse family ( full-page ) Skull of Ursus spelaeus ( Cave Bear ) Skull of Hyena spelaea Cervus megaceros Mammoth Skeleton , Elephas primigenius Mastodon Americanus skeleton Mastodon Americanus Tooth Elephas primigenius Tooth ( Mammoth ) Tooth of Machaerodus ( Smilodon ) neogaeus Machaerodus ( Smilodon ) neogaeus ( restored Skeleton of a Saber Tooth Tiger , full-page! ) Megatherium Cuvieri Lower Jaw of Megatherium Claw of Megalonyx Skeleton of Mylodon robustus Skull of Diprotodon Australis Skeleton of Glyptodon clavipes Skull of Thylacoleo Dinornis giganteus and Aptornis didiformis , with human skeleton Dinornis elephantopus Footprints of Dinornis ( Moa ) , recently extinct ( full-page ) Section of Aurignac Cave ( archaeological site in southwestern France ) The Engis Skull ( primeval human ) Drawing of a Mammoth by Neolithic Man Silurain Eurypterids Palaeoniscus aculeatus and Neolimulus falcatus Eryops megacephalus Archaeopteryx macroura Insects of European Miocene ( Bees , etc., all identified ) Skeleton of Hipparion gracile Eocene mammal : Tillodontia skull , teeth , ungual phalanx Miocene Flint flakes , Thenay Plus More 118 years old. Carefully packed for shipment to the buyer. ------------- Biographical Information: Joseph Le Conte (1823-1901) American geologist and professor at the University of California , Berkeley Of Huguenot descent, he was born in Liberty County, Georgia to Louis Le Conte, patriarch of the noted Le Conte family. He was educated at Franklin College in Athens, Georgia (now the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Georgia) where he was a member of the Phi Kappa Literary Society. After graduation in 1841, he studied medicine and received his degree at the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1845. After practising for three or four years at Macon, Georgia, he entered Harvard University, and studied natural history under Louis Agassiz. An excursion made with Professors J. Hall and Agassiz to the Helderberg mountains of New York developed a keen interest in geology. After graduating at Harvard, Le Conte in 1851 accompanied Agassiz on an expedition to study the Florida reefs . On his return he became professor of natural science in Oglethorpe University which was located in Midway, Georgia at the time; and from December 1852 until 1856 professor of natural history and geology at Franklin College. From 1857 to 1869 he was a professor of chemistry and geology at South Carolina College, which is now the University of South Carolina. On January 14, 1846, he married Caroline Nisbet, a niece of Eugenius A. Nisbet. The Le Contes had four children grow to adulthood: Emma Florence Le Conte, Sarah Elizabeth Le Conte, Caroline Eaton Le Conte, and Joseph Nisbet Le Conte. During the Civil War , Le Conte continued to teach in South Carolina . He also produced medicine and supervised the niter works ( to manufacture explosives ) for the Confederacy . After the Civil War he continued to teach, but he claimed to find Reconstruction politics intolerable - moves of the Reconstruction-era legislature to deeply cut funding to South Carolina College . In September 1869, he moved to Berkeley, California to join the faculty of the newly-established (1868) University of California. His brother John had come to California in April 1869 to also join the faculty of the new University as a professor of physics . Joseph was appointed the first professor of geology and natural history at the University , a post which he held until his death. He published a series of papers on monocular and binocular vision , and also on psychology . His chief contributions, however, related to Geology. He described the fissure-eruptions in western America , discoursed on earth-crust movements and their causes and on the great features of the earth's surface. As separate works he published Elements of Geology (1878, 5th ed. 1889); Religion and Science (1874); and Evolution: its History, its Evidences, and its Relation to Religious Thought (1888). This last work anticipates in structure and argument Teilhard de Chardin's "Phenomenon of Man ."(1955).] In 1874, he was nominated to the National Academy of Sciences . He was president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1892, and of the Geological Society of America in 1896. Le Conte is also noted for his exploration and preservation of the Sierra Nevada of California , USA. He first visited Yosemite Valley in 1870, where he became friends with John Muir and started exploring the Sierra. He became concerned that resource exploitation (such as sheepherding ) would ruin the Sierra , so he co-founded the Sierra Club with Muir and others in 1892. He was a director of the Sierra Club from 1892 through 1898. His son, Joseph N. Le Conte, was also a noted professor and Sierra Club member. He died of a heart attack in the Yosemite Valley , California , on the July 6, 1901, right before the Sierra Club's first High Trip. The Sierra Club built the LeConte Memorial Lodge in his honor in 1904. The Le Conte Canyon, Le Conte Divide, Le Conte Falls and Mount Le Conte were named after him. Le Conte Middle School in Hollywood is also named after him. He was buried in Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland , California.

Price: 91 USD

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1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth1905 Geology FOSSILS Dinosaur Extinct Trilobite Paleontology Iguanodon Tooth

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Binding: Hardcover

Place of Publication: New York

Publisher: D. Appleton & Company

Bones Prehistoric Saber Tooth Cat Tiger: Bones Skull

Subject: Science & Medicine

Original/Facsimile: Original

Year Printed: 1905

Brontosaurus Ichthyosaur Pterodactyl: Archeopteryx Cephalopods Dinosaur Eocene Miocene

Cenozoic Tertiary Quarternary Geological History: Time Era Megalodon Shark Orthoceras Trilobites

Language: English

Special Attributes: Illustrated

Silurian Devonian Age Coal Mesozoic: Reptilian Era Triassic Jurassic Period Cretaceous

Region: North America

Fossil Tooth Mastodon Megalodon: Tooth Mylodon Glyptodon Skull Insects Skeleton

Topic: Geology

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Rocks Brachiopods Carboniferous: Vegetation Fishes Crinoid Belemnites Tracks


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