Description: Occult Knowledge 765 Vintage books on Computer disk An amazing collection of out-of-print rare books scanned to digital PDF format and put on to Disk on the subject of Occult Knowledge. A fascinating library on all manner of esoteric topics: Alchemy Astrology Divination Earth Mysteries Egypt Gnosticism Kabbalah Paranormal Magick Grimoires Wicca Witchcraft The 10,000s of pages contain essential knowledge and insights, diagrams, images and explanations that provide a truly encyclopaedic library of knowledge that is unsurpassed. This totally unique collection is the most complete available. Nature of the itemThis item is a computer disk containing vintage, copyright-free books scanned into digital PDF format and provided to you on disk (as above); there is no physical book, there is no video, there is no audio. You will require a computer with a Disk drive to be able to view the PDF books with suitable PDF viewer software (which is universally available for Free). 766 Books on Computer disk (DVD) Alchemy 18th Century Chemical Terms A Chymicall Treatise of Arnoldus de Nova Villa A discovrse of fire and salt, discovering many secret mysteries, as well philosophicall, as theologicall - B. de Vigenere (1649) A Lexicon of Alchemy - M Rulandus A new light of alchymy - taken out of the fountain of nature and manual experience to which is added a treatise of sulphur - M. Sedziwoj (1674) A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1892 - H. C. Bolton (1893) A suggestive inquiry into the hermetic mystery - M. A. Atwood (1850) A Treatise On The Great Art - A J Pernety A Work Of Saturn - J I Hollandus A Work Of Saturn 1670 - J I Hollandus Alchemiae Gebri Arabis philosophi solertissimi libri, cum reliquis, ut versa pagella indicabit - R. Bacon (1545) [Latin] Alchemy - ancient and modern - H. S. Redgrove (1911) Alchemy - ancient and modern [2nd Edition]- H. S. Redgrove (1922) Alchemy & the Beginnings of Chemistry - M Pattison Muir Alchemy Ancient and Modern - H S Redgrove (1911) Alchemy Its Science & Romance - J E Mercer Alchemy Rediscovered Restored - A Cockren Alchemy The Turba Philosophorum - A E Waite (1896) Alchimia nova, das ist, Die guldene Kunst selbst, oder, Aller Kunsten Mutter - sampt dero heimlichen Secreten - G Birelli (1603) [German] An Alchemical Mass An easie introduction to the philosophers magical gold, to which is added, Zoroasters cave, otherwise called, The philosophers stone - J. Thor (1667) An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland; contributions to Irish lore - L. Wilde (1890) Anima magica abscondita, or, A discourse of the universall spirit of nature - with his strange, abstruse, miraculous ascent and descent - T. Vaughan (1650) Antimony - C Y Wang (1919) Aphorismi Urbigerani, Certain rules clearly demonstrating the 3 infallible ways of preparing the grand elixir, or circulatum majus of the philosophers - B. Urbigerus (1690) Aphorisms of Urbigerus Apotelesmata philosophica Mercvrii trivmphantis - M. Copus (1601) [Latin] Appendix necessaria Syntagmatis arcanorum chymicorum Andreae Libavii (1615) [Latin] Appologia Alchymiae - R W Councell Arcana arcanissima, hoc est, Hieroglyphica aegyptio-graeca - M. Maier (1614) [Latin] Atalanta fugiens, hoc est, Emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica - M Maier (1618) [German] Aula Lucis - T Vaughan Aula lucis, or, The house of light, a discourse written in the year 1651 - T. Vaughan (1652) Aurum aurae, vi magnetismi universalis attractum - C. A. Balduin (1674) Avrevm vellvs, oder, Guldin Schatz und Kunst-Kammer - S. Trismosin (1708) [German] Azoth et ignis, das ist, Das wahre elementarische Wasser und Feuer, oder, Mercurius philosophorum - H. Fictuld (1749) [German] Basil Valentine his triumphant chariot of antimony - B. Valentine (1678) Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of secrets Vol 1 - J. Ferguson (1895) Bibliographical notes on histories of inventions and books of secrets Vol 2 - J. Ferguson (1910) Bibliotheca chemica - a catalogue of the alchemical, chemical and pharmaceutical books in the collection of the late James Young Vol. 1 - J. Ferguson (1906) Bibliotheca chemica - a catalogue of the alchemical, chemical and pharmaceutical books in the collection of the late James Young Vol. 2 - J. Ferguson (1906) Bygone beliefs - being a series of excursions in the byways of thought - H. S. Redgrove (1920) Cabala Mineralis Cabala, Spiegel der Kunst und Natur in Alchymia - R. Custos (1663) [German] Calendarium naturale magicum per petuum profundissimam rerum secretissimarum contemplationem totiusque Philosophiae - M. Merian (1619) [One page Chart] Catalogue of works on alchemy and chemistry, exhibited at the Grolier Club, New-York, Jan. 16th to Jan 26th, 1891 (1891) Centuria chymica, hoc est, Tractatus aureus de lapide philosophorum carmine conscriptus - (1652) [German] Chemisch Kabinet (Atalanta Fugiens) - M Maier (1708) [German] Chymische Hochzeit - C. Rosencreutz (1616) [German] Clavis sapientiae, das ist, Ein edles vnd kostliches Buchlein vom Stein der Weysen welcher genant wird, der Schlussel der grössern Weissheit - Artephius (1618) [German] Codicillus seu vade mecum Raymundi Lulli philosophi doctissimi - in quo fontes alchimicae artis ac philosophiae - R. Llull (1572) [Latin] Coelum Philosophorum - Paracelsus Coelvm philosophorvm, sev, De secretis naturae liber - P. Ulstadius (1528) [Latin] Coelvm philosophorvm, sev, Liber de secretis naturae - P. Ulstadius (1553) [Latin] Collectanea chemica - being certain select treatises on alchemy and hermetic medicine - E Philalethes (1893) Collectanea Chemica - Ed. A E Waite Contributions of alchemy to numismatics - H. C. Bolton (1890) D. Johannis Tackii - Triplex phasis sophicus solis orbe expeditus humanaeque fragilitati & spei resurrectionis rerum consecratus - J. Tacke (1673) [Latin] De alchemia dialogi II - G. Braccesco (1548) [Latin] De secretis nature siue de quinta essentia libellus - R. Llull (1518) [Latin] Della tramutatione metallica sogni tre - G. B. Nazari (1599) [Italian] Donum Dei - G Aurach Dyas chymica tripartita, das ist, Sechs herzliche deutsche philosophische Tractatlein - J. Grasshoff (1625) [German] Epistle to the Son of the Wolf Evphrates, or, The waters of the east ... secret fountain, whose water flows from fire, and carries in it the beams of the sun and moon - T. Vaughan (1655) Examen fvcorvm psevdo-chymicorvm detectorvm et in gratiam veritatis amantium succincte refutatorum - M. Maier (1617) [Latin] Fasciculus chemicus, or, Chymical collections - expressing the ingress, progress, and egress of the secret Hermetick science - A. Dee (1650) Five treatises of the philosophers stone - H. Pinnell (1651) Four books of Johannes Segerus Weidenfeld, concerning the secrets of adepts - J. S. Weidenfeld (1685) Freher's Process in the Philosophical Work Geberis philosophi perspicacissimi - Geber (1542) [Latin] Glory Of The World Hadriani à Mynsicht alias Tribudenii ... Thesaurus et armamentarium medico-chymicum - A. von Mynsicht (1638) Hercules piochymicus - P. J. Fabre (1634) [Latin] Hermetic Philosophy & Alchemy - M A Atwood Hortulanus' Commentary on the Emerald Tablet Institutiones chimicae prodromae, id est, Joannis Joachimi Becheri Spirensis - J. J. Becher (1664) [Latin] Io. Bap. Portae Neopolitani de distillatione lib. IX - G. della Porta (1608) [Latin] Jocvs severvs, hoc est, Tribvnal aeqvvm, qvo noctva regina avivm - M. Maier (1617) [Latin] Joh. Joachimi Beccheri ... Physica subterranea profundam subterraneorum genesin e principiis hucusque ignotis ostendens - J. J. Becher (1738) [Latin] Johannis Conradi Barchusen Elementa chemiae, quibius subjuncta est, Confectura lapidis philosophici, imaginibus repraesentata - J. C. Barchusen (1718) [Latin] Johannis Ottoni Helbigii, Thuringi, philosophi & medicinae doctoris, Introitus in veram atque inauditam physicam - J. O. Von Hellwig (1680) [Latin] Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude) Mary the Prophetess Monas Hieroglyphica - J Dee Mutus Liber Of Natural & Supernatural Things - B Valentinus On The Philadelphian Gold Paracelsus & the Substance of His Teaching - F Hartmann Philosophy of the Alchymical Cabalistical Vision Preface of Signatures - O Croll Rosa Alchemica - W B Yeats Slendor Solis The Alchemical Catechism The Arcane Formulas or Mental Alchemy The Art Of Distillation - J French The Aurora of the Philosophers - Paracelsus The Book Of Lambspring 1607 (original scan) The Book of Lambspring The Emerald Tablet of Hermes The Golden Chain of Homer - Anton Josef Kirchweger The Golden Chain of Homer The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus The Hermetic and Alchemcial writings of Aureolus Bombast Vol 1 - A E Waite (1894) The Hermetic and Alchemcial writings of Aureolus Bombast Vol 2 - A E waite (1894) The Hermetic Arcanum The Hermetic Museum Vols I & II - A E Waite The Key Of The Mysteries - Eliphas Levi The Kitab-I-Aqdas The life of Philippus Theophrastus Bombast of Hohenheim, known by the name of Paracelsus - F Hartmann (1887) The Mirror of Alchemy - Roger Bacon The new pearl of great price - G Lacinia (1894) The New Pearl Of Great Price The Philosophers Stone - Israel Regardie The Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy - A E Waite The Secret Book of Artephius The Six Keys Of Eudoxus The Stone of the Philosophers - Edward Kelly The Theatre of Terrestrial Astrononmy - E Kelly The Tincture of the Philosophers - Paracelsus The Tomb of Semiramis The Treasure of Treasures For Alchemists - Paracelsus The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine The Virgin of the World of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus The Vision of the Universal Mercury Tract On the Tincture & Oil of Antimony - R Bacon Triumphal Chariot of Antimony - B Valentine Turba Philosophorum Parts I & II What Is Alchemy - A E Waite Astrology A Description of the Faces & Degrees of the Zodiac - Raphael A Jerusalem Christian Treatise On Adtrology - G Dickson A Manual Of Astrology - Raphael An Introduction To Astrology - W Lilly Anima Astrologiae - W Lilly Astrology & Religion Among The Greeks & Romans - F Cumont Astrology & The Ductless Glands - A F Heindel Astrology In A Nutshell - C H Webber Astrology In Medicine C A Mercier Astrology Its Tecnics & Ethics - C Libra Astrology Theologised - V Weigelius Astrology Your Place Among The Stars - E Adams Concerning The Certain Fundamentals Of Astrology - J Kepler Earthology Humanity Characterized - A Raphael Everybody's Astrology - M Jensen Light Of Egypt The Science Of The Soul & Stars - H Wagner Mysteries Of Astrology & The Wonders Of Magic - C Roback Occultism Simplified - W Whitehead Primary Directions in Astrology Made Easy - Sepharial Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos - J M Ashmand Simplified Scientific Astrology Solar Biology A Scientific Method - H Butler The Book Of Talismans Amulets & Zodiacal Gems - W Thomas The Brihat Jataka - V Mihava The Familiar Astrologer - Raphael The Guide To Astrology - Raphael The Handbook of Astrology - Zaqdkiel Tao Sze (1861) The Hindu Book Of Astrology - Bhakti Sheva The Influence Of The Zodiac On Human Life - E Kirk The Message Of The Stars - M Heindel The Stars in Song & Legend - J G Porter The Tree Of Life - G W Carey Were You Born Under A Lucky Star - A Alpheus Divination A Course On Tarot Divination - P Foster Case A French Method of Fortune Telling by Cards - A E Waite A manual of cartomancy, fortune-telling and occult divination - 1909 A Manual Of Cheirosophy - E Heron-Allen A Method Of Cheirognomy - I R Bacon Adventurings In The Psychical - H Addington Bruce An Introduction To the Study of the Tarot - P. Foster Case Astronomical Geomancy - G Cremonensis Book T - The Tarot Card Fortune Telling - C Platt Cheiro's language of the hand - complete practical work on the sciences of cheirognomy and cheiromancy - L Hamon 1900 Chiromancy, or The science of palmistry - H. Frith, E.H. Allen 1883 Clairvoyance - C Leadbeater Clairvoyance & Occult Powers - Swami Panchadasi Clairvoyance A System Of Philosophy - C F Grumbine Crystal Gazing - N W Thomas Crystal Gazing - Spritual Clairvoyance - L. W. de Lawrence Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing - Frater Achad Cupology - Clara Descriptive mentality from the head, face and hand - Merton, Holmes 1899 Elements of Hand Reading - Phanos Everybody's book of luck 1900 Fingers & Fortune - E M Farwell First lessons in palmistry; - Gaffney, Cornelia 1897 Fortune Telling By Cards - P R S Foli Fortune Telling By Tea Leaves - A Highland Seer Fortunes and dreams; - Cielo, Astra 1917 Forty lessons in palmistry; - Zancig, Julius 1914 General Book Of The Tarot - A E Thierens Greek Divination - W R Halliday Gypsy Fortune Telling and Sorcery - C. G. Leland How to Control Fate Through Suggestion - H Harrison Brown How To Read Human Nature - W W Atkinson How to Read the Crystal - Sepharial HowTo Know People By Their Hands - J Ranald Hypnotism Mesmerism & Clairvoyance Illustrated Palmistry - E J LaSeer Indian Palmistry - J B Dale Innocent amusement, or the heiroglyphical fortune teller - Napoleon I 1832 Jacobs Rod - T Welton Key to palmistry - Williams, Louis 1902 Liber Gaias - A Handbook Of Geomancy Lives Of The Necromancers - W Godwin Madame Zadkiel's Fortune teller and mirror of fate .. - Haney, Jesse 1884 Magic Divination & Demonology Among The Hebrews - T Davies Manual of Psychometry - J Buchanan Mehemet Ali's Oriental interpretation of dreams - Kayser, Charles 1873 Mother Shipton's Gipsy fortune teller and dream book - Wehman, A 1890 2 Mother Shipton's Gipsy fortune teller and dream book - Wehman, A 1890 Names Dates & Numbers - R Page Walton Names Dates & Numbers What They Mean To You - R Walton Napaleon's oraculum and dreambook 1839 Natural & Mesmeric Clairvoyance - J Esdaile New discoveries in palmistry - J Hargett 1901 Numbers Their Occult Powers & Mystic Virtues - WW Westcott Of Geomancy - H Agrippa Oracle of the Tarot - P Foster Case Pahlavi cartomalcy or card reading; a new and complete method adapted to the Pahlavi cards - Mounton, S 1904 Palmistry For All - Cheiro Palmistry For Professional Purposes [2] - C de Saint Germain Perin's science of palmistry; a complete and authentic treatise - Perin, Carl Loui 1902 Philosophic chiromancy. Mysteries of the hand revealed and explained - R Campbell 1879 Practical cheirosophy, a synoptical study of the science of the hand - Heron-Allen, E 1887 Practical palmistry a reliable treatise on the art of character reading - H Frith 1904 Practical palmistry a treatise on chirosophy based upon actual experiences - Frith, H 1895 Revelations of the hand - Alexander J. McIvor -Tyndall 1900 Seership & The Magic Mirror - P. Beverley Randolph Studies In Dreams - M Arnold-Forster Tarot of the Bohemians - Papus Telling Fortunes by Cards - M Ali Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves - C Kent The Ancient Science Of Numbers - O Clement The Book of the Secret Word - A E Waite The Book Of Thoth - A Crowley The Divining Rod - A J Ellis The Ever Coming Son In The Light Of The Tarot - Frater Achad The golden wheel dream-book and fortune-teller being the most complete work on fortune-telling and interpreting dreams ever printed - F Fontaine 1862 The grammar of palmistry - St. Hill, Katharine 1893 The graven palm; a manual of the science of palmistry - Robinson, A 1911 The hand and its lines; a short treatise on palmistry .. - La Seer, E 1902 The Handbook of Palmistry - R Baughan The Illustrated Key To The Tarot - L W De Lawrence The Isiac Tablet Of Cardinal Bembo - W Wynn Westcott The Language Of The Hand - H Frith The Law Of Scientific Hand Reading - W G Benham The Laws of scientific hand reading A Practical Treatise on the Art Commonly Called Palmistry - W Benham 1901 The Magical Ritual Of The Sanctum Regnum - E Levi The model book of dreams, fortune teller, and epitome of parlor entertainments - Temple, H 1864 The mystic oracle, or, The complete fortune-teller and dream book - Lupton, F 1893 The mystic test book; - L de Laurence 1909 The mystic test book; - Richmond, O 1893 The new and complete fortune teller - Ibraham Ali Mahomed Hafez 1816 The omnium-gatherum, or, The American fortune-teller - Yarrington, J 1872 The Pictorial Key To The Tarot - A E Waite The science of palmistry and its relations to astrology and phrenology - Smith, Irene 1901 The science of the hand; or, The art of recognising the tendencies of the human mind by the observation of the formations of the hands 1886 The seaside sibyl 1882 The Square of Sevens - E I Stevenson The Symbolism of the Tarot - P D Ouspensky The Tarot - S L MacGregor Mathers The witches' dream book and fortune teller - Noe, A 1855 What Handwriting Indicates - J Rexford Earth Mysteries A Bit Of Atlantis - D Erskine A Miracle In Stone - J A Seiss Ancient Stone Crosses of England - A Rimmer Architectvre Mysticism & Myth - W R Lethaby Bird Gods - C de Kay British Goblins - W Sikes British Werewolves - E O'Donnell Chips From Old Stones - C Maclagan Cosmic Memory - R Steiner - Curious Myths of the Middle Ages - S Baring Gould Early British Trackways - A Watkins Facing the Sphinx - M L Farrington Fairies - G M Faulding Feng Sui - E Eitel Fians, Fairies & Picts - D MacGregor Ficticious & Symbolic Creatures in Art - J Vinycomb Foundation Rites - L Dayton Burdick Glimpses Of Vanished Civilizations - M Mulhall Loke In Younger Tradition - A Olkirk Man Whence How & Whither - A Besant & C Leadbeater Modern Vampirism - A Osbourne Eaves Our Story of Atlantis - W P Phelon Rosicrucian Digest - Atlantis Rough Stone Monuments & Their Builders - T Peet Rude Stone Monuments - W C Lukis Sea Monsters Unmasked - H Lee Selestor's Men of Atlantis - C I Von Ravn Stone Monuments of Aniquity - R Weaver Stonehenge & Its Barrows - W Long Stonehenge & Its Earthworks - E Barclay Stonehenge Today & Yesterday - F Stevens The Amazons in Antiquity & Modern Times - G Rothery The Book Of Werewolves - S Baring-Gould The Chinese Dragon - L Newton Hayes The Earliest Cosmologies - W Fairfield Warren The Great Sea Serpent - A C Oudemans The Lore of the Unicorn - O Shepard The Lost Atlantis - S Wilson The Lost Lemuria - W Scott-Elliot The Lupercalia - A M Franklin The Origin Of Werewolf Superstition - C Taylor Stewart The Phantom of the Poles - W Reed The Piasa Or the Devil Among the Indians - W Armstrong The Power of Gems & Charms - G H Bratley The Pyramids & Temples Of Gizeh - M Flanders Petrie The Solution Of The Pyramid Problem - R Ballard The Story of Atlantis - W Scott-Elliot The True Key To Ancient Cosmology - A F Warren The Unicorn A Mythological Investigation - R Brown The Vampire - H S Olcott The Vampire His Kith & Kin - M Summers Unnatural History - E Goldsmid Egypt A Comparison of Egyptian & Hebrew Symbols - F Portal A Short History of the Egyptian Obelisks - W Cooper Ancient Egypt The Light of the World Vol 1 - G Massey Ancient Egypt The Light of the World Vol 2 - G Massey Ancient Egyptian Legends - M A Murray British Museum - The Book Of The Dead Demotic Magical Papyrus of London & Leiden V1 - F Griffith Demotic Magical Papyrus of London & Leiden V2 - F Griffith Demotic Magical Papyrus of London & Leiden V3 - F Griffith Development Of ReligionIn Ancient Egypt - J Breasted Egyptian Belief & Modern Thought - J Bonwick Egyptian Ideas Of The Future Life - E A Wallis Budge Egyptian Literature - E Wilson Egyptian Magic - E A Wallis Budge Egyptian Myth & Legend - D Mackenzie Egyptian Mythology & Egyptian Christianity - S Sharpe Egyptian Myths & Mysteries - R Steiner Egyptian Religion - J Lieblein Hieroglyphics Of Horapollo Nilous - A T Cory History Of The Egyptian Religion - C Tiele Horus In The Pyramid Texts - G Allen Key to the Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery - K Ralston Skinner Legends Of Ancient Egypt - F H Brooksbank Legends Of The Gods - E A Wallis Budge Notes for the Nile - H D Rawnsley Personal Religion in Egypt Before Chrisianity - W F Pertrie Religion & Conscience in Ancient Egypt - W F Petrie Scarabs - I Myer The Book of The Dead pt.I - EA Wallis Budge The Book of The Dead pt.II - EA Wallis Budge The Burden Of Isis - J Dennis The Calendar & Zodiac in Ancient Egypt - W Mure The Dawn Of Astronomy - N Lockyer The Egyptian Concept Of Immortality - G Reisner The Egyptian Heaven & Hell Vol I - E A Wallis Budge The Egyptian Heaven & Hell Vol II - E A Wallis Budge The Egyptian Revival The House Of Hidden Places - W Marsham Adams The Myth of Ra Supreme Sun God of Egypt - W Cooper The Old Egyptian Faith - E Naville The Pyramid Texts - S A B Mercer The Realms Of The Egyptian Dead - A Wiedemann The Religion of Ancient Egypt - W Flinders Petrie The Religion Of The Ancient Egyptians - G Steindorff The Religions of Ancient Egypt & Babylonia - A H Sayce The Rosetta Stone - E A Wallis Budge The Rosetta Stone Vol 1 - E A Wallis Budge The Rosetta Stone Vol 2 - E A Wallis Budge The Rosetta Stone Vol 3 - E A Wallis Budge The Sacred Beetle - J Ward The Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt - W R Cooper The Treasury Of Ancient Egypt - A Weigall (1912) The Wisdom Of The Egyptians - B Brown Theurgia Or The Egyptian Mysteries - A Wilder (tr) Thoth The Hermes Of Egypt - P Boylan Gnosticism Apollonius Of Tyana - G R S Mead Did Jesus Live 100 Years BC - G R S Mead Early Christianity - S B Slack Echoes From The Gnosis Vol I - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol II - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol III - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol IV - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol V - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol VI - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol VII - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol VIII - G R S Mead Echoes From The Gnosis Vol X - G R S Mead Fragments Of A Faith Forgotton - G R S Mead Pistis Sophia The Corpus Hermeticum The Gnostic Heresies of the 1st & 2nd Centuries - H Mansel The Gnostics & Their Remains - C W King Kabbalah 32 Paths Of Wisdom - W W Westcott (trans) A short survey of the literature of rabbinical and medieval Judasim - W. Oesterley (1920) A sketch of the Talmud - the world renowned collection of Jewish traditions Vol. 1 - I. Kalisch (1877) A sketch of the Talmud - the world renowned collection of Jewish traditions Vol. 2 - I. Kalisch (1877) A Talmudic miscellany ... or, A thousand and one extracts from the Talmud, the Midrashim and the Kabbalah - P. I. Hershon (1880) Aesch Mezareph (The Purifying Fire) An Introduction To The Study Of The Kabbalah - W W Westcott Anatomy of the Body of God - Frater Achad Aramaic Language (Hebrew Dialect) of the Babylonian Talmud - M. Margolis (1910) Babylonian Oil Magic - S Daiches Babylonisch-astrales im Weltbilde des Thalmud un Midrasch - E. Bischoff (1907) Biblia Cabalistica - W Begley Blue Equinox Christianity in Talmud and Midrash - R Herford 1903 Crowley - The Law of Liberty Crowley - The Message of the Master Therion Crystal vision Through Crystal Gazing Did Jesus live 100 B.C. An enquiry into the Talmud Jesus stories - G. Mead (1903) Elements Of The Qabalah - E Levi Gematria A Preliminary Investigation Of The Cabala - F Bond Hebrew Literature - E Wilson Hebrew literature; comprising Talmudic treatises, Hebrew melodies and the Kabbalah unveiled - J. Barclay (1901) Hidden Treasures Of The Ancient Qabalah - G Gewurz Introduction to the Talmud. Historical and literary introduction - M. Mielziner (1894) Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, and the liturgy of the synagogue - G. Dalman (1893) Jesus in the Talmud; his personality, his disciples and his sayings - B. Pick (1913) Jewish Magic & Superstition - J Trachtenberg Jewish Mysticism - J Abelson Jewish mysticism - J. Abelson (1913) Jewish mystics, an appreciation - S. Hirsch (1907) Kabbalah, the harmony of opposites - a treatise elucidating Bible allegories and the significance of numbers - W. J. Colville (1916) Liber 777 - A Crowley New edition of the Babylonian Talmud Vol 1 - M. L. Rodkinson (1918) New edition of the Babylonian Talmud Vol 2 - M. L. Rodkinson (1918) New edition of the Babylonian Talmud Vol 3 - M. L. Rodkinson (1918) Q.B.L. Or The Bride's Reception - Frater Achad Qabbalah - The Philosophical Writings - I Myer Schem ha Mephoresh Sefer Maftea Shelomoh = Sepher Maphteah Shelomo (Book of the Key of Solomon) an exact facsimile of an original book of magic in Hebrew with illustrations Sefer Okre harim = The rabbinical dialectics, a history of the dialecticians and dialectics of the Mishnah and Talmud - A. Hahn (1879) Sefer Raziel HaMalakh - The Book Of The Great Angel Rezial (unknown author and date) Semitic Magic Origins & Development - R Thompson (1908) Sepher Ha Bahir - A Kaplan (tr) Sepher Maphteah Shelomo - H Gollancz (Hebrew) Sepher Yetzirah - W W Westcott (tr.) Sepher Yetzirah The Bok of Formation, and the Thirty Two Paths of Wisdom 1893 Sh'ir Qoma Study of the Talmud - B. Spiers (1899) Tales & Maxims From The Midrash - S Rapaport Talmudic sayings, selected and arranged under appropriate heads - H. Cohen (1894) Talmudic sayings, selected and arranged under appropriate heads - H. Cohen (1910) The Anatomy Of The Body Of God - Frater Achad The Babylonian Talmud Tractate Berakot - A Cohen 1921 The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King by A. Crowley (1904) The Book of the Great Raziel Part 1 The Cabal Of The Twelve Houses - G Wharton The Cabala - B Pick The cabbalists and other essays - S. A. Hirsch (1922) The Canon - W Stirling The Chalice Of Ecstacy - F Achad The Equinox of the Gods Book 4 Part IV EotG The Golden Fleece A Book Of Jewish Cabalism - T F Page The greater Key of Solomon - including a clear and precise exposition of King Solomon's secret procedure, its mysteries and magic rites - L. De Laurence (1914) The Guide for the Perplexed - M Maimondes The Heart of Jewish Meditation Abraham Abulafia’s Path of the Divine Names (1291) translated by Avi Solomon The Hidden Treasures of Ancient Qabalah II - E Gerwuz The history and the future of the Talmudic text - M. Jastrow (1897) The history of the Talmud - from the time of its formation, about 200 B.C., up to the present time - M. L. Rodkinson (1903) The history of the ten lost tribes - Anglo-Israelism examined - D. Baron (1915) The Kabala of numbers - Sepharial (1920) The Kabalah Of Numbers - Sepharial The Kabbala the true science of light; an introduction to the philosophy and theosophy of the ancient sages by S. Pancoast (1877) The Kabbalah - A Franck The Kabbalah - its doctrines, development, and literature by C. Ginsburg (1920) The Kabbalah Unveiled - S L Mac Gregor Mathers The most noted Jewish book in the world - H. Einspruch (1923) The Mysteries Of The Qabbalah - Vol II - E Gewurz The Mystical Qabalah - D Fortune The Old Paths or The Talmud tested by Scripture - A McCaul 1880 The origin of letters and numerals according to the Sefer Yetzirah - P. Morde ll (1914) The poetry of the Talmud - S. Sekles (1880) The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum Vol. 1 - R. C. Thompson (1900) The reports of the magicians and astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum Vol. 2 - R. C. Thompson (1900) The School System of the Talmud, with a Sketch of the Talmudical Treatise ?Baba Kama - Baer Spiers 1898 The science of the Talmud - C. M. Boerman (1894) The Secret Doctrine in Israel - A E Waite The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians - J Pranaitis 1892 The Secret Wisdom Of The Qabalah - J F C Fuller The sixth and seventh books of Moses ... the wonderful magical and spirit arts of Moses and Aaron - L. W. de Laurence (1910) The study of the Talmud in Spain - S. Daiches (1921) The Talmud - A. Darmesteter (1897) The Talmud - E. Deutsch (1874) The Talmud - what it is and what it knows about Jesus and his followers - B. Pick (1887) The Talmud Unmasked - I. Pranaitis (1892) The Talmud; selections from the contents of that ancient book, its commentaries, teachings, poetry, and legends - H Polano 1894 The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, with illustrations from the Talmud - C. Taylor (1886) The wisdom of Israel - being extracts from the Babylonian Talmud and Midrash Rabboth - E. Collins (1910) Wisdom and wit of the Talmud compiled by Harry Albro' Woodworth 1919 Wit and wisdom of the Talmud - M. Peters (1900) Woman in the Talmud a sketch of the position held by women in the old Jewish days - A t Story 1880 Paranormal A Biography of the Brothers Davenport - T L Nichols A Guide to Mediumship and Psychical Unfoldment - E. & M. Wal After Death Communications - L M Bazett After Death Or Letters From Julia - W Stead After Death the Disembodiment of Man - P B Randolph All About Devils - M Hull An Essay Toward A Theory of Apparitions - J Ferriar Are The Dead Alive - F Rider Beyond the Five Senses - L. M. Bazett Borderland Experiences Or Do the Dead Return - T Parker Boyd Borderland Of Psychical Research - J H Hyslop Broadcasting From Beyond - A Perriman Can The Dead Communicate With The Living - I Haldeman Contact With The Other World - J H Hyslop Death & After - A Besant Death & Its Mystery - C Flamar rion Death and the After- Life - A. J. 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