Description: Credit Repair Secrets by Andrew Bennet Do you have a problem with your credit? Have you been turned down for loans or jobs because of this situation? Is this all due to an error that could have easily been reversed? Stop waiting and take control! This Book is all about how to repair your credit, and its easier than you think.Many times when people think of credit repair, they think it is an impossible task to do. This is not true at all. One important thing to mention is that if you are trying to obtain a loan from a bank, the banks will want your credit score as high as possible to qualify for the desired loan. What you need to do is take steps to raise your credit score. Also, with any credit card accounts, if you can afford to do so, pay the entire balance due each month rather than taking a cash advance or just paying the minimum monthly payments. This does not mean going out and applying for every credit card you see in magazines, ads, or online. Instead, borrow the money from a family member or friend. If you have already gotten a credit card, try to pay the entire balance off each month This book covers: - Basics of credit repair- Secret Steps to repair credit- Strategies to improve your credit score- Credit Rescoring - How to remove your debtAnd Much More!No matter what your reason is, credit repair can help you with your financial problems. If you didnt commit any crimes to lose your job, credit score, or home, you should take credit repair seriously. At Credit Repair Canada, we can help. Reviews for credit repair services are mixed. While some consumers report success, others say their credit was ruined by companies that promised to have them refinanced within a few months but failed to deliver.Click the Buy Now button and get started! FORMAT Hardcover LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Details ISBN1914554108 Pages 102 Language English Year 2021 ISBN-10 1914554108 ISBN-13 9781914554100 Format Hardcover Publication Date 2021-07-28 UK Release Date 2021-07-28 Imprint Andrew Bennet Author Andrew Bennet Publisher Andrew Bennet Subtitle The Secret Steps To Repair Your Credit Score And Increase Your Score Thanks To The 609 Letters Included Audience General We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. With fast shipping, low prices, friendly service and well over a million items - you're bound to find what you want, at a price you'll love! TheNile_Item_ID:132875939;
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ISBN-13: 9781914554100
Book Title: Credit Repair Secrets: The Secret Steps To Repair Your Credit Score And Increase Your Score Thanks To The 609 Letters Included
Item Height: 229mm
Item Width: 152mm
Author: Andrew Bennet
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Topic: Accounting, Finance, Opinion of the People
Publisher: Andrew Bennet
Publication Year: 2021
Type: Textbook
Item Weight: 308g
Number of Pages: 102 Pages