
Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363

Description: Welcome to my item, Buy with confident100%真品,100%原银奉还 如果验证是假。100%正牌不是陰牌 !!Items Specifications : Item 名稱: BEAUTIFUL NANGKWAG BECKON STATUE SEXY LADY NINE 9TAIL FOX KUMIHO KITSUNE THAI AMULET LP NERAMIT 9CM BLUE BE2560. NINE TAIL FOX NANGKWAG BECKON GIRL. TREASURE SEXY SMALL SIZE. THEP-JING-JOK-KOW-HANG, SEXY LADY PRAYING FOX, HIGH QUALITY BEAUTIFUL HAND PAINTING BOTTOM INSERT FULL HOLY STUFF + 2 TAKUD Creator 师傅/庙名: LP NERAMIT wat KogNongKrung Years made 年份 : B.E.2560 or 2017 A.D Main Material 原料 : Resin / Plastic / Fiber glass Good Effective for : Gambling, fulfill wishes and bring wealth richly Size : See on photo, if not clear please email me FrameCase : As Show on listing, if not show please email me *Full Insert with holy stuff mixed. All in one items*. 【正气九尾狐仙供奉型金身】9cm 天神尊者【龙婆弥乐密】推出的最新一期正气九尾狐仙供奉型金身 【底部有一瓶魅力无限人缘油、2支师傅狐仙密咒符筒】 看起来萌萌达 !!但是效果强!! 供奉狐仙可以增强人缘,贵人缘,异性缘,让你走到哪里都能得到别人的青睐,让别人对你喜爱,恋恋不忘;让对方对你不离不弃,恩爱如初,防止对方出轨,斩断对方的外心,收回对方的心,锁住对方的心,挽回失去的感情;提升个人魅力,让你看起来越来越自信,改变你的磁场,让你看起来越来越漂亮,让你整个人容光焕发,神采奕奕;助事业,招财,帮助生意,让小人远离做事如意、招正偏财、成愿 。 九尾狐仙可以任意幻化成美男美女,颠倒众生,使别人看了神魂顛倒。九尾狐仙很善良的,是大狐仙,并非狐狸精之类异物。谁佩戴和供奉都可以,凡供奉者,时时要相信他的存在,要多做善事,多积德,好姻缘将会降临你身旁的.狐仙 唯一列入十大魑魅魍魉的天朝大仙 其功效更不平凡 ! 狐仙属于妩媚化身可以拥有狐仙协助 你的事业 财运 上都有非常有效的起色 !狐仙是一种感恩 感谢 美丽 妩媚的象征 !恭请狐仙 只要诚心 善良的人 慢慢会发现眼睛变的细长如月 越来越妩媚动人。媚法小狐狸,大师注入超强法力,底部师傅亲自画符加持,功效超强。勾魂锁心 人缘事业 感情危机 事业瓶颈 招财 平安 最重要的是 可以变漂亮 变妩媚!性感漂亮!耀眼闪亮!迷惑万千! How to use this fox statue. after you get this statue, you just invite fox deity come in to your home. no need to fire incence, just tell to amulet follow and come in your home. put this fox statue in good area keep high but seperated and lower than BUDDHA statue (if has),you can put this fox on your working desk or on money SafeBox For make fulfillment, you Always keep to tell your wish to fox statue. Always show care and respect for them. for make this fox spirit get powerful you have to do more merit and good think , good speak nice sweet words , donate , be charitable , compassionate , loving towards others and family members and dedicate merits. Always say thanks and appreciate them fox spirit for giving you their greatest power of their blessing after you had chant their katha or made wishes. Also ask for forgiveness if you did anything wrong, say that you are sorry if there is anything you said or you do are offending them. You can feed some food to statue as sweet cakes, sweet drinks such red fanta. if your wish happen, You can rewards to fox spirit by give her ladies cosmetics such as a lipstick, a powder face foundation, perfume , fashion jewelry. for make amulet powerful you have to do more merit and good think , good speak nice sweet words , donate , be charitable , compassionate , loving towards others and family members and dedicate merits. This is a very fine amulet piece, it was incantation and bless with Good powerful magic.KHATA for this item:MP3 available (Download). It is a mantras phonetic Praying word to consecrate and control power of this item. If temple give khata with item. I will do it to audio MP3 file and send to buyer within 7day after package ship out. If buyer not received please email to Ask me again.T The Amulet & Talisman is any object that is imbued with protective powers, and all cultures have manifestations of such objects. In the world of Thailand amulet, Many people believe the symbol of Load buddha has the power to ward off evil. that an object that is inscribed with the word of God, image of Lord buddha and religious narratives, symbol and signs, will protect the person who reads, touches, or sees it. The surface of an amulet and talismans object can be covered with prayers, signs, numbers, and decorative motifs, and the object is carried in a pocket, or rolled and placed in an amulet case; some talismans are worn as clothin. The most efficacious amulet & talismans are those that are inscribed with prayers that remind people to lord Buddha and his narratives. 【魅力九尾狐仙布符】 师傅首次推出的九尾狐仙布符 非常值得收藏!!!佩戴或供奉九尾狐仙会得到极佳人缘魅力,特旺同异性缘,贵人相助,佩戴者会越来越亮丽迷人。能提升独有强大的女性性感魅力,让你人见人爱,使得身边的男士们对你青睐,成为全场焦点的目光,帮助在短时间内结识心仪男性,如有另一半也能帮助感情和合,使得对方对你更加体贴,比以往更爱你,对你不能自拔,愿意为你付出,尊敬你,并且待你如女王般伺候!!!另外还能提升口才与说服力,让身边的男士都愿意倾听你的话,帮助事业生意,有助于销售. 让顾客永不流失,增加回头客,让男士愿意花钱或是消费在你身上,尤其是需要大量男士顾客的行业,特别适合从事娱乐、美容、美发、夜店、网卖、网红主播的女士,如你需要大量的男士顾客这布符是你必胜的独门法宝!!! 被其驯服,不管异性同性都能佩戴,有助于情侣,朋友,同事,老板之间的和合,甚至化敌为友!!!1.提升魅力,让别人看你顺眼,即使不喜欢你的人也会对你改观,化敌为友。2.招人缘桃花,使身边的人都喜欢你,亲近于你,受人爱戴,人见人爱,不管同异性,上司同事,家人伴侣的关系皆有帮助。3.助夫妻情侣感情和合,让另一半比以前更爱你,更听你话,驯服于你,锁住另一半的心。4.招正偏财,尤其在生意行销方面特别明显,抓住顾客的心,增加回头客,让销量订单满长红!!! ปีศาจจิ้งจอกเก้าหางมีที่มาจากหลายประเทศ ทั้งจากอินเดีย, จีน และญี่ปุ่น แต่ก็นับเป็นปิศาจตัวเดียวกัน ซึ่งคาดว่าปีศาจตัวนี้น่าจะมีการสืบทอดวัฒนธรรมผ่านจากประเทศอินเดียไปยังจีนตามแนวเส้นทางสายไหม และส่งต่อวัฒนธรรมไปยังประเทศอื่นๆ More info of the 9 Tails Fox The 9 Tails Fox amulet made follow Thailand Buddhist magic were created by Masters, and this power spell magic is in Principle the Same as all other magic which Involve a Ruling god power that dwells within the amulet. The Mind of a monk or Guru or Master that is able to travel the celestial realms can communicate and make agreements with the Devas who they are able to Perceive, and it is as easy to develop a communication line with the Nine Tails Fox, (Same as it is with the famous Kumarn Tong). The Nine Tails Fox is an old Legendary Demon, known in Thailand, Indian, Koran, Chinese and Japan. they is a mythological creature species that was depicted as having the voice of a human infant. It can be eaten by humans, and those who eat it can be protected from evil. they believed are intelligent beings and possess magical abilities. The more tails has the older, wiser, and more powerful it is. In some story it is said that a fox will only grow an additional tail when it has lived for 1000 years. When a fox grows its ninth tail, its fur becomes golden or white. These nine-tailed foxes gain the abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world. the nine-tailed fox was depicted as a beast of fortune which sent by the heavens, they was seen as a sign of fortune, peace and luck. In the royal dynasty, Nine Tails Fox is also the protector of royal blood. The Fairy Fox : Fox is one of the '5 Fairy in China' to incarnate into human form and have mortal love story. Fox Deity had practiced every 500 years, its tail will split into 2 halves '2tails'. The 9 Tails Fox is the highest State of Cultivation of Fox Deity. Nowadays, many Fox Deity enshrined in China, Taiwan, Japan (known as Inary Deity), Hong Kong and others. Many experienced of Superstars who worshipping Fox Deith have became more attractive (eyebrows & eyes become look like of Fox), good luck & wealthy. Power of The Nine Tails Fox The Nine Tails Fox is an strong Magic Powers and here Willingness to make Displays of her Powers. Her spell able to enter and possess others, Also able to change its shape and form, Its ability to attract the other sex and seduce them into the bed. She are particularly renowned for impersonating beautiful women. Other supernatural abilities include possession, mouths or tails that generate fire or lightning, wilful manifestation in the dreams of others, flight, invisibility and the creation of illusions so elaborate as to be almost indistinguishable from reality. Many experienced of Superstars who worshipping Fox amulet have became more attractive (eyebrows & eyes become look like of Fox), good luck & wealthy. It would require a very Powerful Mind to be able to resist the demonic Enchantress in the sealing of the Agreement to dwell within the item. Great Masters of Meditation who can develop a large groups of Spirits to become heart of this an amulet. This 9 tail fox spirit can help in 9 different kind of wealth, especially Attraction love, gambling luck and money rich wealth. If one suffers from ailing finances due to recession resulting in investment losses, declining assets, joblessness and deteriorating business progress. The 9 tail fox spiritlocket amulet will set your bearings right again so that you can regain your pre-recession values. Your financial difficulties will change back into positive cash flow, meaning if whoever own you money, you are able to get it back to the rightful owner. The 9 tail fox spirit can also help in love and attraction, it is able to hypnotise the opposite/ same sex into loving the person and also be faithful to him/her. This amulet can be used to initiate a new love, spice up your existing love life and harvest marriage luck. Due to the beauty of the lady fox spirit, she would definitely make the wearer more attractive than before, thus inviting many many potential people into their lives. Today, almost all Thai amulets enthusiasts are craving to own this 9 tail fox spirit for all kinds of good fortune, divine protection, good health, wealth, prosperity from heaven, double longevity, victory over foes, windfall luck and ultimate good luck. PHA-BUCHA-STATUE is amulet Statue or figure of simbolic which use for put inside your home or office for make good luck and by catch FENG-SHUI What Is Feng Shui? Feng shui — which literally translates to "wind and water" — is the ancient Chinese art of placement. The goal is to enhance the flow of chi (life force or spiritual energy), and to create harmonious environments that support health, beckon wealth and invite happiness. Feng Shui and Buddha Statues Whenever you place any object in your home for a feng shui symbol or remedy, be sure you use the right element. For example, a metal Buddha placed in the northern sector of your home is typically an outstanding choice for location. The same statue placed in the east sector of your home won't have beneficial results. In fact, metal in a wood element sector can impede your feng shui design since metal cuts wood. Avoid putting a Buddha statue on the floor; this is deemed very disrespectful. If you opt for a Laughing Buddha, don't forget to rub his belly. While this isn't a requirement, many people claim that rubbing Buddha's belly everyday (the fatter the belly the better) will bring luck and prosperity to all in the home. Feng Shui Rules for Buddha Placement The first thing you want to do when placing a Buddha statue or any statue of a deity is to make sure the location is truly one of reverence. This means you should never place one in a bathroom or kitchen. Also, you want the height of the Buddha to be at least eye level. Looking down at a deity is considered rude and irreverent. Avoid placing near electrical outlets, elect or equipment with moving parts and motors. This type of activity disturbs the surrounding energy. Most Auspicious Location for Your BuddhaFacing the main door: Many feng shui consultants recommend placing the Buddha opposite the main front door of a home on a table that is about thirty inches high. This location allows Buddha to interact with the chi energy entering your home. From this position, the statue can neutralize any negative chi, and transform it from damaging to very lucky energy.Living room: Buddha is also quite comfortable in the living room. The best position for Buddha in the living room is facing the front door.On a desk: Students should place Buddha on their desks. This is a perfect location to enlist a little help with lessons and evoke Buddha auspicious energy for fulfilling your academic goals.Office table or reception's desk: For those that own a business, placing Buddha on a reception's desk can help bring prosperity to your company.Meditation garden: This is an ideal area for a Buddha statue. One of the most popular poses is the Meditation Buddha.Buddha altar: If you're Buddhist, then you already have an altar, just make sure you place this altar in your home where meditation and reflection can be practiced.Yoga room: If you practice yoga, then you have a special room or area of a room in your home devote to your exercise. This is an excellent place for a Buddha statue. Just be sure to place it eye level or higher. see my other 500+ items, visit my ebay storeSelling agreement : Please double read all before Purchase!!!Ship to world-wide with International REGISTER AIR MAIL has Tracking number provide.If want to upgrade shipping method to register mail (has tracking number). or If want To Put a FRAME CASE fit for this item or do a water proof frame case for this item. please contact me before purchaseSee my other Whole sale items at hereStock Photo of item(s).This listing selling with stock photo, So it not actual photo of item in my current stock.Under Multiple quantity selling, i am using stock photo of 1 item to selling many quantity, so your received item(s) may not actual piece as seen on listing but i am confirm there your received will be similar and all significant not much difference between them. 100% guarantee about condition detail will similar as you see.If buyer want to see actual picture of item, it ok. Buyer have to place order and complete payment before, after that just email to me with subject "want to see actual picture if paid item(s)". i will take photo(s) of actual item in current stock and send to you by reply your email. if you saw photo and confirm i will ship out package but if buyer no want to get it, buyer can cancel order and get full refund. (this process may take 2-3 day for take a photo) Due to many type of monitors, the actual color may be a little bit different as shownDamaged or incorrect item receivedIf get mistake on received item(s) please give me to resloved this problem by do not open dispute on ebay or paypal, because that will make only delay process.When your received item was damaged on delivery or you have received item(s) that you did not purchase, please contact me immediately. i will resend new one to replacement see my other items, visit my ebay store FIND OUT MORE:BEAUTIFUL NANGKWAG BECKON STATUE SEXY LADY NINE 9TAIL FOX KUMIHO KITSUNE THAI AMULET LP NERAMIT 9CM BLUE BE2560,LP NERAMIT wat KogNongKrung,Resin / Plastic / Fiber glassB.E.2560 or 2017 A.D,Gambling, fulfill wishes and bring wealth richly,FOX 9 Tail Talisman !!, BUCHA STATUE (FENG-SHUI) Positive Energy !!, Business & Trading & Occupation, Gambling & Windfall & Unexpected Wealth, Richly & Money & Career Wealth, *Recommended, CopyRight RealAmulet 2020 เรียวอมิวเล็ท

Price: 226.52 USD

Location: Bangkoknoi

End Time: 2024-03-09T16:47:39.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363Beckon Lady Statue Nine 9 Tail Fox Kumiho Lp Neramit 9cm Blue Thai Amulet #16363

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)

monk maker: LP NERAMIT wat KogNongKrung

Purpose/ Effective/ Main power: Gambling, fulfill wishes and bring wealth richly

year: B.E.2560 or 2017 A.D

Handmade: Yes

material: Resin / Plastic / Fiber glass

Modified Item: No

Country/Region of Manufacture: Thailand

Religion: Buddhism

Featured Refinements: Thai Amulet

Region of Origin: Southeast Asia

Type: Amulets & Talisman

Color: As Show on Listing

Original/Reproduction: Vintage Original


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