
Tel, Tokyo Electron, CT310-415683-1, Centering Wafer, 6", 420237

Description: Tel, Tokyo Electron, CT310-415683-1, Centering Wafer, 6", Farmon I.D. 420237 Selling as new other, see pictures for more details. Price is for one unit. Please contact us if you need more information or shipping arrangement We describe the items and the condition as best as we can, if there are any questions or you need more info, please contact us and we will reply the same day. No other accessory are being sold with the item (Cables, manuals, Software, etc.), unless it is mentioned in the description and shown in the picture.We do not have the capability to test these equipment, these are un-tested and we sell as is. see pictures for more detail.Farmon Inc. sell all equipment with no warranty expressed or implied regardless of condition. Farmon Inc. don’t have capability to verify this equipment. All sales are "As is and Where is" and are final with no returns or exchanges permitted. Farmon Inc. invites you to inspect products prior to purchase please call us at - to schedule a time. Please read our rules before buying our products.- Buyer responsible for all shipping and handling costs, including any applicable insurance, taxes, tariffs or duties. Buyer pays actual shipping charges using your UPS or FedEx account.-There will be a $0 handling fee for US and $0 for international for this item. -Please allow 5 business days for us to ship after payment is received! -All Buyers are welcome to come and inspection the equipment before purchasing them. Please email or contact us . -Buyer must sign shipping confirmation when item delivered. -All sales are Final and No return are Accepted.Farmon Inc 562 South Milpitas Blvd Milpitas, CA 95035 (510) 573-0047Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday by appointment. We are also interested in your unwanted excess inventory, please call us to review and remove your inventory.We can sometimes do in the same day. Brand we can support, please check our inventory:We supply many other semiconductor components, equipment, RF Generator, Chiller, Turbo, Cryo pumps, MFC, Vacuum pumps and controllers, step motors and drivers, etc. AMAT, Brooks, Equipe PRI Equipe Technologies ESA ESC Estek ETA ETEC Systems ETEL ETO Ehrhorn ETP Eurotherm Extreme Networks Extron Exynetics Electroglas Festo Filter Filter Pump Fisba Optic Fisher Hamilton Flowline Fluke Digital Fluoroware Force Computers Inc.Fortrend Fostec Foxboro Frontier Tech FSI International FTI FTS Systems Fuji Electric Fuji Seiki Inc.Fujikin Fujimi Fujion Furon Fusion Semiconductor Fusion Systems Futaba Futurestar Galil Motion GaSonics Gast GasTech Gaston Gates GC Valves GD Fanuc GE General Electric GE Industrial Services Gems Sensors GEMU General Monitors General Precision General Scanning Genie Industries Genmark Automation Georg Fischer Geotest Gespac GF Signet Glassman Glentek Global Laser Gluton West Go Gould GPI General Precision GPI General Precision Inc.Granville-Phillips Grayhill Greene Tweed Chemraz Griswold Grundfos Grundfus GSI Group Sciences Inc. GSI Lumonics GSNX Precision Instruments Hakko Ham-Let Hama Hamamatsu Hokuto Denko Heateflex Corp. Heidenhain Heiland Electronic Hepa Corp.Hermos Hine Design Hirakawa Hitachi HiTek Power Hitron HNL Inc.Hoerbiger Origa Hoke Honeywell Horiba STEC Horner Electronic Hoya Corp.Hoya-Schott HP Hewlett Packard HP Hewlett-Packard HP Versatest HPS Hubbell Huber Hubner Humphrey Huntington Mechanical Huttinger HVA High Vacuum Apparatus HyCal Sensing IAG Electtronica IAI Corp. IBM IC Electronics ICP Electronics Inc. ICS IDEC IDL Semiconductor IDX IEE IGC Polycold System Inc. IKO Nippon Thompson Co. Imtec Acculine IN USA INA InBus Engineering Industrial Computers Inficon Infranor Innova Electronics Integrated Circuit Dev. Corp. Integrated Dynamics Engineering Integrated Measurement Systems Integrated Power Designs Integrix Interface Interlink Internix InUSA Invax Technologies Invensys Ion Systems IRIE Koken Irvine Optical Corporation ISA Instruments ITT Standard ITW Rippey Texwipe Ivek Corp. Iwaki J.C. Schumacher JAE Electronics JAI Corp. Javelin JDS Uniphase Jennings Technology Infab Jenoptik Optical Systems Inc. Jensen JEOL Jikco JM Athena Jobin Yvon John Crane International Johnson Controls Johnson Matthey JRC Jumo Junkosha Leak learn K-Patents Process Instruments K-Tec Kachina Semiconductor Services Kaehlig Antriebstechnik GmbH Kaiji Kaijo Kaiser Kalex Kalrez Kanken Techno Kaparel Kashiyama Kawasaki Kaydon Keithley Kensington Labs Kenwood Kepco Kevex Semicron Key High Vacuum Products Keyence Kikusui Kimmon Quartz Co. Kinik KLA Instruments KLA-Tencor Kloehn Knie lKoch Koganei Kokusai Vertron Kollmorgen Komatsu Electronics KoMiCo Kondoh Kohsya Kooltronic Koyo KSI Kaiser Systems Kuhnke Kuroda KV Automation KV Ltd. Kyosan Electric Mfg. Kyoto Denkiki Co. Kyowa Instrumentation L-Com Lake Monitors Lakeland Lam Research Lambda Invensys Leeson Leica Levitronix Lexel Leybold Leybold Inficon Leybold Oerlikon MECS Corporation. Millipore Mitutoyo Corp. MKS MKS ASTeX MKS Instruments MKS Precision MMI Systems MMPIC Mnemonics Inc. Modus Instruments Inc. Moeller Molectron Molex Monarch Motech Motion Engineering Motorola Motortronics Motoyama Mott MOXA MRC Materials Research Corp. MRL ASM Technologies Neuner Elektrotechnik Neutronics Newport Newport Electronics NI National Instruments Nicolet Nicolet Instrument Corp. Nikon Nikuni Nippon Noah Precision Nor-Cal Noran Instruments Nordson Norgren Northeast Fluidics Norton Nova Nova Measuring Instruments Novascan Technologies, Inc. Novellus Systems NSK NT International NTRON Numatics NupronView Corp. Nyquist ODEM Scientific Oerlikon Oerlikon Leybold Ohaus Precision Olympus Omega Omron OneAC OnTrak Systems Inc. Opal Optem International OPTO 22 Osram Oramir Oregon Micro Oren Elliott Products Oriel Oriental Motor Oriental Motor Co. Origin Electric Orion Orion Machinery Co. Osaka Vacuum Osicom Pacific Scientific Pall Corp.Panasonic Panel-Tec Parker Parker-Hannifin Particle Measuring Systems Patlite PBI Dansensor Perkin-Elmer Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology Praxair Pre-Tech PRI Automation Price Pump Co. PRMS Inc. Pro-Face Process Technology Procon Prolog Prometrix Corp. Proportion Air Proportion-Air Proteus Industries PTI Progressive Technologies Inc. Pulizzi Pulnix Qualidyne Quartz International Quartzfab Radian RadiSys RARA Raritan Rasco Research Inc. Recif Red Lion RF Services Inc. RFPP RF Power Products Rorze Automation Screen SCV SDI SDS Seiko Precision Seiko Seiki Sekidenko Semi Gas Systems SpeedFam STS System SUNX SVG Silicon Valley Group Tektronix TEL Tokyo Electron UNIT Instruments Varian VAT Yaskawa Ziatech Zitel Zygo <div style="text-align:center"><a style="text-decoration:none" href="http://mostpopular.sellathon.com/?id=AC1391084"><img src="http://www.sellathon.com/Resources/Images/countercredit.gif" border="0"></a></div>

Price: 250 USD

Location: Milpitas, California

End Time: 2023-12-26T23:21:19.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Tel, Tokyo Electron, CT310-415683-1, Centering Wafer, 6", 420237Tel, Tokyo Electron, CT310-415683-1, Centering Wafer, 6", 420237Tel, Tokyo Electron, CT310-415683-1, Centering Wafer, 6", 420237Tel, Tokyo Electron, CT310-415683-1, Centering Wafer, 6", 420237

Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Brand: TEL

Model: Centering Wafer

MPN: CT310-415683-1


0EE-T18960-1/ 3PIN (BST) ASSY 5085-491249-11 / TOKYO ELECTRON TEL
0EE-T18960-1/ 3PIN (BST) ASSY 5085-491249-11 / TOKYO ELECTRON TEL


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